Introducing Kodiapps! Experience the ultimate movie and TV show companion for your Kodi device. With Kodiapps, you can stay up-to-date with the latest releases and scene information in the entertainment world. Easily search and add your favorite movies and TV shows to your Trakt account for convenient viewing later. But that's not all - with the app, you also gain access to a curated collection of the best Kodi add-ons and Builds, complete with step-by-step installation instructions. Stay tuned as we continuously enhance the app with exciting new features.
* Latest New Movies & TV Shows: Stay up to date with the most recent releases in the entertainment world. Get access to the latest movies and TV shows, ensuring that you never miss out on the hottest releases.
* Easy Trakt Integration: This app seamlessly connects to Trakt, a popular platform for tracking your watched content. By linking the app to Trakt, you can easily add movies and TV shows to your personal list for later viewing on your Kodi device.
* Convenient Search Functionality: With this app, you can easily search for your favorite movies and TV shows. The app links to, providing a user-friendly and efficient way to find and add content to your Trakt list.
* Extensive Kodi Add-ons and Builds: Discover a wide range of Kodi add-ons and builds within this app. Whether you're looking for new features, themes, or enhancements for your Kodi device, this app provides detailed install instructions for the very best options available.
* Is this app free to use?
Yes, this app is completely free to download and use.
* Can I watch movies and TV shows directly within the app?
This app does not offer streaming capabilities. However, it allows you to easily search for and add movies and TV shows to your Trakt list for later viewing on your Kodi device.
* Can I use this app on any device?
This app is specifically designed for Kodi devices. It may not function properly on other platforms.
With the latest New Movies & TV Shows scene release information at your fingertips, convenient Trakt integration, a user-friendly search functionality, and a wide selection of Kodi add-ons and builds, Kodiapps app provides everything you need to enhance your entertainment experience. Whether you're a movie enthusiast or a TV show fanatic, this app allows you to stay up to date with the latest releases and easily add them to your Trakt list. Download the app now and discover a world of entertainment possibilities!
Size: 16.05MB
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